Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fiction Blog 4

After Ellie was almost killed in a house fire she keeps investigating the case of Rob Westerfield killing her sister. The Westerfield household has been trying to convince the public and future jury members that it was not Rob Westerfield who killed Andrea, Ellie's sister. They have apparently found a witness who saw Paulie Strobel, another kid, go into the garage where Andrea was killed. This witness Will Nebels, has a questionable background. Nebels was stealing money from the Westerfield when he happened to see Paulie go into the garage. Nebels did not tell anyone who went into the garage because he would have had to tell the police what he was doing at the time. He would have self-incriminated himself and gone to jail for stealing. The Westerfields claim that the statue of limitations has expired for the issue of stealing and that it is time the truth came out. Ellie finds out how unreliable and questionable Nebels is while going out to dinner with some acquaintances. Nebels had gotten drunk at the bar before Ellie showed up. He recognized her and in his drunken state tries to talk to her. He hugs her and kisses her while his hands roam over her body. Ellie tries to push him away but Nebels is too heavy. People from other tables finally pull him off of her. Nebels' actions could be construed as attempted rape and assault.

Ellie finds some interesting information that may convict Rob Westerfield of a different crime. When looking at his past high schools she learns that Rob was a member of the drama team. The students in the drama team were encouraged to take a stage name. Rob's stage name was Jim Wilding. The students wrote their stage names on a picture that was put up on the high school walls. It just so happens that Rob's grandmother had someone attempt to murder her. That someone left a note that had the name Jim Wilding on it. Ellie studied the handwriting from the picture and the note and concluded that the signature was the same. From Ellie's conclusion came the idea that Rob had tried to murder his grandmother for inheritance money. The mens rea is present and he almost committed the actus reus. The attempted murder would be considered an incohate crime because the murder was "partially put into operation."

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