Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ch. 11 Vocabulary

Feminist Jurisprudence: the practice of examining and evaluating the law from a feminist perspective
Patriarchy: "rule of the father," a system whereby males are promoted and supported over females. There is an overall male superiority because of female incompetence and sexuality.
Misogyny: the hatred, devaluation, and ridicule of women, an ideology that justifies and maintains men's subordination of women
Coverture: a legal term that describes the legal subsuming of the female person into the male in marriage
Petite treason: a charge made under early common law against women who murdered their husbands. It was considered worse than an ordinary murder because she had committed it against her "sovereign master."
UNCEFDW: United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, passed by United Nations General Assembly in 1979, in order to protect women's participation in economic and political life at the same time
ERA: Equal Rights Amendment, passed by Congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification but never got the thirty eight states' votes needed

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