Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ch. 9 Vocabulary

Social control: any action either deliberate or unconscious, that influences conduct toward conformity, whether or not the persons being influenced are aware of the process
Anomie: a condition of relative nomlessness or social deregulation in society
Direct/Informal social control: social control via the informal application of stigma applied to the transgressor
Direct/Formal social control: social control via the direct formalities of law (i.e., punishment) legally applied to the transgressor
Indirect/Informal social control: social control by reinforcing norms
Indirect/Formal social control: social control via the threat of legal sanctions perceived by individuals who have not transgressed the law
Specific deterrence: the supposed preventative effect of imposed punishment of the future behavior of the person punished
Contrast effect: the contrast between the circumstances of punishment suffered and an offender's usual life; the greater the contrast, the greater the deterrent effect
General deterrence: the supposed preventative effect of punishment on those who have witnessed it but not experienced it
Compensatory style: a form of social control in which some person or group has accused another person or group of breaching an obligation and brings the matter before the courts seeking compensation
Conciliatory style: a form of social control using the law to remedy a breach in a formerly harmonious relationship. Blame is not usually assigned in such matters
Penal style: style of social control attained by punishing violators of the criminal law
Therapeutic style: style of social control aimed at those considered in need of treatment rather than punishment; a remedial style
Plea bargaining: process in which the defendant in a criminal case pleads guilty in exchange for a more lenient sentence than he or she would otherwise face
USA Patriot Act: act passed in response to 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States and which expanded the authority of law enforcement to fight terrorism
Writ of Mandamus: a court order compelling a public official to do his or her duty

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