Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fiction Blog 1

Ellie Cavanaugh's sister doesn't come home and her parents get worried. She was supposed to come home at 9 but didn't. Ellie's sister, Andrea, had left her friends house at 8 p.m. Ellie knew that Andrea had gone to the secret place where she and her friends would meet with Rob Westerfield. They would smoke and hang out there. Andrea had a crush on Rob. Rob was a notorious speeder and all around bad boy. Ellie's parents had forbidden Andrea from seeing Rob. Andrea met with him in secret. Andrea would sometimes take Ellie with her to the secret place. The morning after Andrea didn't come home, Ellie snuck out to the secret place. She found Andrea dead with her head bashed in. Ellie ran home to her house covered in the blood of her sister. Ellie's parents blamed Ellie for Andrea's death because she didn't tell them about the secret place in time. Rob Westerfield was convicted of murder mostly on Ellie's statement to the court. Ellie's parents split up and her mom dies. Her father gets remarried. Ellie became a investigative journalist in Atlanta. When Rob becomes elligible for parole, Ellie visits her old home again. She intends to be there to prevent him from getting out. Rob's family mounts a defense saying that it was another student at Andrea's high school who killed her and not Rob.
Pg. 3-63

1 comment:

  1. I think you might have missed the point of this part of the assignment. You were to relate the novel reading to what we learned in the first three chapters. I didn't see any of this. You simply summarized (very choppy writing, too) the first part of the book. You didn't provide any reflection or linkages to what we read. Re-read the assignment. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Also, the writing is very choppy. . .all very simple writing. I felt I was reading a police log that is detailing the evidence collected. Very dry! Improve your writing.
