Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ch. 2 Justice and the Law Discussion

Aristotle defined justice as consisting of treating equals equally and unequals unequally. What I want to know is how do you know who is equal and who is unequal? I know that in the south before the civil war blacks weren't considered to be a full person and were given a 3/5 vote. But that was back then and now we believe that they are human beings just like the whites and other races. Would unequals be considered those who have broken the laws or would that be something else?
In my opinion the evolutionary natural law perspective seems to be the most probable reason that law was created. It has an underlying truth that speaks to me. I also think that positive law is has much to do with some of the laws passed by kings who had no one to balance them in their power. Many of those laws were later thrown out but some societies today still have dictators who control every aspect their countries. Such an example would be North Korea. I think Kim Jong Ill has fashioned himself as a ruler who was chosen by the God(s). That might qualify as Transcendental law even though the people don't know the he made up the laws and didn't get them from a higher power.

1 comment:

  1. I like the creativity of your post. It's got good reflection to it. I like the vocabulary section, but I'm not considering that in terms of content because I want to see reflection. . .not a regurgitation of material in the book. I thought the writing could be better, though. Too much use of contractions and need better sentence structure. Finally, I don't follow your last part. Transcendental?
