Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ch. 3 Making Law Disscussion

I don't like it that the government can take your property away from you. Eminent domain just bothers me. I found out that homes taken by the government are usually underapraised so that the homeowner is ripped off. I don't agree with the court decision in Kelo vs. City of New London. "Public use" is not equivalent to "public purpose," which is not equal to "economic purpose." That just seems like the government is favoring big businesses over the individual rights to live where they want. It also seems to more a conservative thing to do than a liberal thing. Here is an article that deals with two eminent domain cases with one landowner. I wonder why they had to relocate a road? I remember when the Idaho government took some property along Curtis road. Several houses were demolished. What I found disturbing about it was that they didn't use the space efficiently. The houses could still have been there now because there is that much room.

1 comment:

  1. Eminent Domain was a very small part of Chapter 3. Not that you have to write on everything, but I was expecting a little more. Also, you need to improve your writing significantly. The writing is too casual. Although the writing can be a little casual, it shouldn't be that casual.
