Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fiction Blog 2

Ellie has saved all the articles that came up in the paper that had to deal with the murder of her sister. She even has the trial transcript. While she is looking through the witness testimonies she comes across what she said during the trial. At the time of the trial Ellie was seven years old and the defense attorney was trying to pressure Ellie into testifying the way he wanted her to. Ellie claimed to have felt a locket that had been given to Andrea by Rob Westerfield when she stumbled upon the body of her sister, Andrea. The defense attorney tried to twist the meaning of the words that came out of Ellie's mouth. In frustration Ellie yelled at the defense attorney that she wasn't making up stories about the locket and she knew that Rob Westerfield had killed Andrea. The remark was stricken from the record because it would give unfair bias to the prosecution.

Ellie has started investigating the case on her own. She is trying to write a book that will convince everyone of Rob Westerfield's guilt. She is writing the book because Rob Westerfield has been released from jail. He served his full time in jail. She came back to her home town in order to find more information for her book research. While there she meets some of her mother's old friends. They talk about nothing in particular and offer to let Ellie stay in the guest apartment above the garage. Ellie takes them up on the offer. She decides that it would be good to research how well behaved Rob was in jail and why he was kicked out of so many private schools. Apparently prisons aren't allowed to talk to strangers about the conduct of the prisoners. She goes over to the prison and holds up a sign with her name, number, and reason for holding the sign. Ellie waves it around so people can see. She notices that a few people look interested. She comes back to the guest apartment to find that it has been burglarized. The mysterious person didn't take anything but had written all over her papers and transcript.

1 comment:

  1. This is simply a summary of the narrative of the book. You need to provide reflection/connection to the material we are learning. I didn't see that.
